• Professionally counterfeit parts

    It is possible that certain parts are no longer available from the supplier for (especially) older machines. We can counterfeit the part by means of reverse engineering.

    Do you want to have parts made?

    We hear it more often, a part that you want to order is no longer available. Very annoying, also because there are often no more drawings of the part available. Plasma Service can counterfeit the part. We start by drawing the part. Then we can copy it through conventional turning and milling, or we can have it printed in 3D (*).

    Have parts imitated by skilled people

    Plasma Service knows (almost) everything about reverse engineering. Reverse engineering is a process of creating a design from the end product, rather than producing a design into an end product. If we have the part on the drawing, it is possible to improve or adjust the part. But of course it can also be reproduced 1 on 1. We can make a single copy of this, but you can also choose to have us make multiple copies.

    (*) De fysieke eigenschappen van 3D geprint metaal hangen sterk af van de gebruikte methode. Bij het 3D-printen van metaal kunnen ongewenste poriën ontstaan, die de sterkte van het eindproduct nadelig kunnen beïnvloeden. Niet elk onderdeel is dus geschikt om te worden geprint, dit heeft te vooral maken met de functie van het onderdelen.

    Defect machine onderdeel
    Defect en ruw gekopieerd onderdeel
    Ruw gekopieerd onderdeel
    Geen afbeelding beschikbaar


    OEM suppliers often charge exorbitant amounts for new genuine parts for their machines. As a customer, you often have no other options because it simply does not fit your configuration.

    For a fraction of the new value, Plasma Service ensures that your rotating parts are as good as, or often even better than, new.


    If something breaks or you have damage, the first thought is quickly to buy it new. By repairing the part or providing it with a preventive coating, the burden on the environment is reduced. An additional advantage is that repair is faster than manufacturing a new part.

    How can we be of service to you?

    Do you have a question? Please contact us by filling in the contact form.